It has been awhile since I have posted a new blog. Seems I have gotten out of the habit. What I have been doing is updating our newsletter. So if you have stumbled upon this site looking for our latest updates and you would like to follow our ministry please click on this link Kenya Newsletter email campaign and enjoy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

there are just some days

So there are just some days that we all feel unworthy, shameful and depressed about something. Whether it is a lonesome feeling or a consequence to an action that we made, there are just some days that we experience these feelings. So I carry on knowing that God is my stronghold, my strength and my true hope. But what about people who lack this knowledge? Are there really people who don't understand this truth? Are there people who have really never heard that God is there refuge and strength in time of need? Imagine with me for a moment...through all the rough and crazy things you have experienced in your life and you didn't know God or His plans were to help you and not to harm you. This is where many of the men, here at Waypoint, are in their life. These men, along with people you meet everyday of your life, are part of a lost people group. There is a large population of people who know of God and His promise of eternal salvation but have not grasped His forgiveness and grace. There are people walking around in shame because they cannot imagine a God of forgiveness. And why should they when we as Christians fret over what others have done to us, and how that person has hurt us, and we cling to OUR pain and wallow in OUR self pity. Are we really setting the example of FREEDOM? Are we really setting the example of JOY? If you, who have Christ living in your heart and have the Holy Spirit guiding you, still stumble, fall, sin and have a hard time accepting others as they are. Then imagine how much harder it is for people who don't walk with Christ and in the Holy Spirit. People who do not have this hope carry their own shame, guilt and depression. This is a heavy load to carry. So when you think of Waypoint today, please pray for these 20 men who are beginning to understand God's promises are for them. Please pray that these men accept hard days as days that the LORD is working in their life. As days that God is bringing healing to the deepest parts of their heart. Without the Holy Spirit I would be heavy with the worries of this world. I praise God for His assurance, forgiveness and His hope that He gives to each of us.

Tara & Joel

--Prayer Requests:

-Joel and I are leaving for Honduras on Saturday. We will be going with his parents, Todd, another staff member from Waypoint and 11 others. We appreciate your prayers for the mission trip and for Waypoint while their schedules are shifted while we are gone.

-Joel as he is in class for a week Feb. 13th-18th, receiving his certification in "Genesis" a relapse program. Our trip to Alaska for Joel's training Feb. 13th - 21st

-Waypoint's Thrift Store and Nursery to spread God's Word to the community

 Thank you!