It has been awhile since I have posted a new blog. Seems I have gotten out of the habit. What I have been doing is updating our newsletter. So if you have stumbled upon this site looking for our latest updates and you would like to follow our ministry please click on this link Kenya Newsletter email campaign and enjoy.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March......into eternity

Joel and I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than we could every imagine.  So are you! As Christians, we are all living for eternity.  Not an eternity as we forsee happening as this earthly body and soul passes into the next but for an eternity that we can grasp today.  Yes, today!  Joel spoke last week to the men here at Waypoint about our recent mission trip to Honduras.  The question "When does eternity begin? came up.  Well it begins the day we are introduced to our Savior.  We either begin living for Him or living without Him.  So as you drive down the rode, sit at your desk, prepare dinner, you are not living just for the next few hours but you are living for or against eternity.  So today as Joel goes to classes, meeting and the office; as I go to the thrift store, the storage and donation area and meet with customers, we have the opportunity to see God, hear from God and walk with God.  Life on earth might not be Heavenly all the time, but the relationship that we have with God is only the beginning of how amazing life on the other side is going to be. As you look at the faces of the people around you try and remember that they might not know God and the way they are living is not leading them to eternity with Him.

 We are always in need of prayer.  Waypoint has flock leaders, classes, teachers and staff to talk and lead the men here in the program.  However, you never know when a man is going to make that decision to leave early.  This week we had a man leave before his 10 months was over.  I know that God taught him a lot while he was here and he left with a deeper understanding of living a Christ centered life.  But these men need your prayers daily, please be in prayer for them beginning with our staff and wives.

We love you, you are supporting us in so many ways...your prayers are intereceeding in ways that we can see God working.

Joel and Tara
Nick and Corwin
Dave and Gail
Elizabeth and Jeremy


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

from Honduras to Alaska

As most of you have seen or heard that Joel and I have had a safe and wonderful time traveling on our trips to Honduras and Alaska. We especially enjoyed the people and getting to know them. We were blessed in Honduras with enough craft supplies to keep the youth occupied for the entire week. The youth were so willing to learn, to play, to share and to work with all of us. We had an average of 45youth each day in Vacation Bible School and left each youth with a Spanish New Testament Bible on the last day.
We journeyed to Alaska for Joel's training class at the Fairbanks Rescue Mission. We were greeted by an overwhelming amount of love and hospitality from our Christian brothers and sisters in Fairbanks. While there God provided meals, a washer and dryer, a place to stay and a vehicle to drive. All of our needs were met!
On the last night in Alaska, God gave us a spectacular view of the Northern Lights. Green and bright, sometimes straight across the sky and other times bowed like a rainbow, the Northern Lights were a splendid ending to the two weeks of beauty that we had been taking in. Overall, I would have to say the people are what made both trips absolutely wonderful.

Since August, Joel and I have been able to be a part of Waypoint with the expectation that Joel and I would one day be part of a similar ministry team when our internship was complete. We never dreamed of God meeting our expectations in so many ways. Joel's most recent training in Alaska is going to put him as the only Genesis Process Counselor in the state of Georgia. The Genesis Process is a 30 day intense class for Christians who have relapsed or continue to relapse. He has already had one man graduate from the class and two more men interviewing for openings to go through the class.
As well as, our Director and Program Director have offered us a place to live on the property. This has come as such a surprise and we are very grateful to the LORD. We will be making a more permanent transition in May. We have learned how to be patient, how to trust God with our finances, and how to give Him everything without holding anything back. And yet, He deserves so much more!
Philippians 4:19 :"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Love, Tara & Joel