It has been awhile since I have posted a new blog. Seems I have gotten out of the habit. What I have been doing is updating our newsletter. So if you have stumbled upon this site looking for our latest updates and you would like to follow our ministry please click on this link Kenya Newsletter email campaign and enjoy.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cheerful Mercy....Intense Joy!

As I enter into the Thanksgiving holiday season I have been reflecting on all the things I am thankful for. The list is to numerous to share and just the thoughts of the Lords blessings in my life bring unspeakable joy to my spirit. But one thing that seems to keep repeating itself in my mind, in scripture and in conversation is God's unending mercy upon us. I know I have been a recipient of this mercy time and time again. It is because of His mercy that I am able to write this blog, that I am able to minister to men and women in addiction, that I am able to go to Honduras/Kenya, that I am free and alive!

Mercy is defined as "a broad term that refers to benevolence, forgiveness and kindness." So with that we are all showing mercy during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Showing mercy is part of the holiday experience. It is ingrained in our social culture to show mercy. We see it in our gifts to the needy, not only as a church but as a society. Our government and non-profits take care and provide for those in need. We show mercy.

But what is our attitude?  Paul directs us in Romans 12 "having then gifts...let us use them...he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness." As I have been reminded this season to have an "attitude of gratitude" I am also being reminded to have an attitude of cheerfulness when showing mercy. And the Lord has been showing me that my attitude of cheerfulness is a direct reflection of His attitude of cheerfulness when He showed mercy to me.

Our mercy, or our ability to show mercy, is a gift from God and His attitude as He showed mercy was cheerful. Cheerfulness is defined as " a state of well being characterized by pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy." As I read that definition I imagined God's "intense joy" as He shows mercy. That is how much He loves us. I have spent a lot of my life making wrong decisions and have sought mercy in a lot of situations and I do not ever remember anyone showing me mercy with "intense joy"....but that is exactly what God does. It is part of His nature, His character. And that is what we must do in order to reflect God's love in our lives. We must show mercy with cheerfulness. If we show mercy with an attitude of cheerfulness that attitude will be reflected in the recipient. Not only will the recipient receive benevolence, forgiveness and kindness but the both of you will have an opportunity to  receive "intense joy!"

Tara and I are very thankful for the response we have gotten towards our fundraising. The Lord has been opening many doors for us to continue ministering to others and sharing about our mission to Kenya. Please continue to pray for us and our ministry.
Prayer request
-Kairos weekend at Hancock Sate Prison Dec 5-8
-Lumpkin County jail outreach every Tuesday night
-YWAM Athi River Base, Kenya (applications have been submitted)
-Continued support of fundraising (we are at 20%)
- Mission trip to Honduras Jan 25-Feb 1

Please continue to pray for the MACCO School in the Mathare Valley, Kenya...pray for the 200+ kids and the staff.

The School
The Kids

The Kids
The Staff

Grace and Peace,
Joel and Tara