It has been awhile since I have posted a new blog. Seems I have gotten out of the habit. What I have been doing is updating our newsletter. So if you have stumbled upon this site looking for our latest updates and you would like to follow our ministry please click on this link Kenya Newsletter email campaign and enjoy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We can not do it alone...

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for reading our blog and staying up to date with our ministry at Waypoint.  Over the last few weeks the men have been covered in the Spirit of Christmas.  The men were given gifts as well as given gift cards in order for them to purchase gifts for their families.  Along with the miraculous story of Jesus and His birth.  Every man in the program has heard the true meaning of Christmas. 
When we came back from the break Dave, our program director led a group class where all the men were able to share what Christmas was like for them this year.  Most of the men admitted how grateful they were for their families (parents especially), their children, their wife (who continues to love and show them forgiveness), and the reality of how materialistic this world is. 
Unconditional love...was an overall favorite for me.  These men are sober for the first time in a long time.  These men are learning and seeing that their family's, for the most part, love them and are not out to destroy them.  There are a few who were truly victimized by their family members.  They are finally able to see God wants to pour out on us, His unconditional love. 
Since Christmas the men have struggled with being back in the program and that coming back was hard.  The men know they are here for a reason but truly need your prayers for encouragement and hope.  Please lift them up.  Just because they are in a program getting help doesn't mean they have arrived yet.  They need angels to surround them and the Lord to go before.  They need help to fight this battle.  They need their brother's and sister's pettioning on their behalf because they are too weak right now. They can not do it alone. Please don't forget these men...please pray for them.
James B.
James S.
David C
Mark C.
Mark H.
David K.

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