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Monday, January 13, 2014

King and kingdom

Mission trip to Honduras/Costa Rica is just a few days away, Jan 25

In our preparation for the upcoming trip to Honduras our team has been asked to read "When Helping Hurts" by Corbett and Fikkert. It has really changed my perspective on missions and I highly recommend reading it.

In the beginning of the book I read something that has really stuck with me. It actually has kept me really focused on what I am doing. I mean it has hit me in a deep place and really made me stop and think about what I am doing. What I read was "many...long for the peace, justice, and righteousness of the kingdom, but they do not want to bend their knee to the King Himself." As Tara and I are preparing spiritually for our mission trip we are really examining our motives. We do not want to lose sight of the King. Jesus came to set up His kingdom on earth, I mean He came to really turn this place upside down and all around. He taught the truth, the way and the life.....and the kingdom He was/is setting up is full of peace and righteousness and justice...for all not just a few. And we all want this kingdom. We all desire to have the needs of the poor met. We do not want any children to starve or for anyone to be homeless or to continue suffering in their addiction, we want to give to the needy and poor the downtrodden, the destitute. That is the kingdom that He came to set up. But...but we cannot loose focus of the KING! However, if we focus only on the King and lose sight of the kingdom then what are we accomplishing...injustices continue in the community. We must have a healthy perspective of both. We cannot "seek the King without the kingdom" just as we cannot "seek the kingdom without the King." 
Please pray for us. That our mission is both focused on the King and His kingdom.    

Prayer Requests:
  • Trip to Honduras Jan 25-Feb 1, (we will be visiting the village of La Florista in the Oloncho valley with Honduras Outreach)
  • Trip to Costa Rica Feb 1-8, (visiting Tara's missionary cousin's Jonathan and Maggie and celebrating their newborn baby)  
  • Continued support for MACCO School in Nairobi
  • Upcoming trip to Kenya in April
God Bless,
Joel and Tara


  1. Praying for a successful trip and may the Lord reward you for thegood work.

  2. Hi, this is Dan Ephent. Praise the Lord! Praying for the divine protection as you prepare for the trips. May the Lord do you good.
