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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Joseph And The Amazing Blessing

Tara and I received an amazing blessing a few days ago. We were privileged to be invited to attend a memorial service for a young man who had been killed because of his conversion from Islam to Christianity. I believe the correct term for that is Muslim Background Believer or MBB. What a blessing to hear the testimonies of his life from people that were so touched by his faith and service to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The service was held in secret and was protected by several members of security which only reminded me of how serious the situation is to see the spiritual warfare manifested here in our lives so intensely.
The pastor that spoke at the funeral said a few things that really stuck with me. I cannot recall the pastors name or who he was quoting but he said "evil exists within a society only when good people do nothing". He then asked us if we were good people?.....were we good Christians?....He then challenged us to go and do something good for the Kingdom. And I am doing the same.....I am challenging you to go and do something good, not for make you feel good, but for the Kingdom of God. Go and be blessed.

After the service we had a meal and a time of fellowship. I met a man in his early twenties. I will call him Joesph. I was walking out of the building and saw Joseph a few feet away. He looked just like the Somali pirate from the movie "Captain Phillips". I mean exactly like him. I even asked him if he knew Captain Phillips? He replied that he had not heard of that man. Anyway, Joseph had my attention and we began talking. He told me he lived in Nairobi and was a Kenyan. He had grown up close to the Somali/Kenyan border. (There is a tribe called Somali, so someone can be Somali and not live in Somalia which was the case for Joseph. He is Somali with Kenyan citizenship, which is actually very common).
I asked Joseph how he became a Christian and Joseph began telling me one of the most amazing stories. Joseph grew up muslim. His family is muslim. His whole community/village is muslim. One day a missionary showed up in the neighborhood and started playing soccer with Joseph and some of his friends. After a few months the missionary asked them to come to his home for coffee and tea. They started hanging out and visiting with him. Then one day the missionary asked Joseph if he knew who Jesus was. Joseph replied that he knew Jesus as 'the prophet who did not sin', which is common in the muslim belief. The missionary gave Joseph a small new testament to read at his own leisure. No pressure just take a look. Joseph said this began his conversion. He read about Jesus and how Jesus loved everyone and how God loved him. Joseph began to see the difference of Islam and Christianity. He saw hatred and violence and then he saw love and forgiveness. Joseph said the biggest impact that effected him was to see how the Christians did not retaliate when their churches were burned. They forgave and built another one.
So after several months Joseph and his friends, about 10 of them, approached the missionary and said they wanted to follow Jesus! I can't imagine how that missionary felt....or how Jesus felt....or the angels in heaven...but I do know it must have been some big party as the rejoicing began!
The missionary arranged for them to travel to a church near the Ethiopian border. They spent a few days in praise and worship and then Joseph and his friends where baptized!!!! Praise God!
Upon arriving back to their village, Joseph and his friends were confronted. Several people in the village had heard about the baptism and were waiting for them to return. They threw rocks and insults at Joseph and his friends. Joseph's father threatened to kill him. One of his friends was beaten so badly that the missionary had to fly him to a hospital in Europe for treatment. Joseph and a few of his friends fled to Nairobi. He worships secretly at an underground church for Christians of Somali descent or (MBB). Joseph is constantly in fear for his life.
Through all of this Joseph spoke with such joy to know Jesus. His faith and love for the Lord Jesus Christ was so strong. He said all has been worth it to know Jesus. Jesus is his shield, his joy and his comfort.
What a blessing to meet such a strong person. I got to pray with Joseph. I can't wait to see my friend again.
I ask you again, go and do something good for the Kingdom..........

Joel and Tara

ps...and to think sometimes our biggest worry is paying taxes......Happy Tax Day!


  1. Wow! What an amazing story to wake up to! I am in awe of just how great our God is. Reminds me of how the little things can grow into big things. Playing soccer, giving out a Bible and next thing you know... I am so happy you and Tara are on this incredible journey. We are praying for you always.

  2. Great story, Joel! So glad to hear that you and Tara are safe and moving forward into the plans that Jesus has for you! I love you both and will share your story with others here at Waypoint!

    Love you!


  3. The rejoicing in Heaven must have been amazing. Your blogs are awesome and we look forward to more. We are always praying for you, Tara, and your mission.

    Love you guys,
    Josh and Kristina

  4. Just catching up, and laying out your currant events for prayer. Glad I received your FB message yesterday. We are blessed at what you have reported, ie. your getting settled in, the fellowship at your base, prayer visitations, invitations, Joseph's meeting and testimony, and your commitment to learn Swahili. So much has happened to and for you both since our talk at Ginnie's recital. God's blessing on all your new days that have never been before. May His Spirit guide your steps through all the virgin spiritual turf awaiting you. In His service with you, C+L
