It has been awhile since I have posted a new blog. Seems I have gotten out of the habit. What I have been doing is updating our newsletter. So if you have stumbled upon this site looking for our latest updates and you would like to follow our ministry please click on this link Kenya Newsletter email campaign and enjoy.

Friday, June 22, 2012


It has been a while since our last blog and a lot has changed here at Waypoint. God has moved in mighty ways and in so many areas. I hope you don't mind if I share a few amazing stories with you!
Our staff at Waypoint is under transition. A few of our staff have been called to go to other jobs or ministries and God has brought in a new set of men to serve. Our Servant Leadership Team now consists of Nathan, Nick & Ryan. Chuck & William are our two newest staff members. God's timeline is remarkable. God was raising up new leaders the whole time. Tara and I are blessed to be working with people who continue to follow God’s lead and are dedicated to spreading His grace, mercy and peace. Please continue to pray for the ministry in this area of transition and for wisdom and guidance as He leads us.

Praise God as we celebrated last weekend by graduating 9 men from the program….YES 9 MEN!!! That is not a typo. Jeff, Ryan, Nathan, Nick, Randy, James B, James S, David and Brandt have graduated from the program and are moving into various transition phases as they continue their spiritual journey and we are proud to say they are young men in Christ. What a blessing!  

The Lord is allowing our prayers to be answered with the Thrift store industry. For the last few months we have been praying for so many donations that we would have to give things away. We have so much stuff right now that we are able to have some summer sales, as well as give things to people who are in need. Yes, we are giving things away. Praise the LORD!

As we close in on the deadline to purchase the property that Waypoint uses the Waypoint board has a lot of very important decisions to make. Please be in prayer for them to hear clearly from the LORD, to have a long term vision for the ministry, to raise money to buy the property or relocate. Most of all please pray for the board to be unified in the midst of so many changes & growth with the program.

Last, but not least our new website is up and running. Please take a moment and look at it. Bookmark it in your favorites so if you know of someone who needs a place to get help from drugs and alcohol you will have our name on hand.
Much love & thanks from the bottom of our hearts,
Tara & Joel

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