It has been awhile since I have posted a new blog. Seems I have gotten out of the habit. What I have been doing is updating our newsletter. So if you have stumbled upon this site looking for our latest updates and you would like to follow our ministry please click on this link Kenya Newsletter email campaign and enjoy.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

all the way down to the core of his being

To those who are interested in knowing more about what goes into a day at Waypoint. The men are up by six thirty getting ready, eating breakfast, daily chores, quiet time and off to class by eight am. The staff & teachers start their work day at seven am with a meeting, prayer & a daily report of how things are going with the men in the program. At eight am the men are divided into classes depending on how long they have been at Waypoint. The classes consist of Orientation, Regeneration, Inner Healing & Discipleship. This is where most of the material is discussed, taught & backed up with Biblical references. However, the classroom is not where all the learning takes place. When the men head to their designated work sites, that is where the application of the classroom lessons begin. The teachers cover a lot of truth during a typical class period and to absorb that information we allow the guys an opportunity to apply it. On the work site a man is given directions, responsibility, a task, maybe three and a chance to make some of his own choices. The work site is not just a place to make the men raise support for this ministry. It is a learning tool to help the man practice and work through what he has been learning from his teacher. If the environment at Waypoint was strictly a classroom setting then there would be less opportunities for the men to apply what they are learning and less opportunity mess up. Being in a residential program with a daily routine naturally provides opportunities for the men to make mistakes. However, when a man stumbles or has to work through a negative attitude, he is in a safe, Christ centered environment that shows him not only grace but how to fail and still feel and know that he is accepted. Our staff prays that Waypoint is a safe and healthy facility that builds men up to be sober physically and mentally, clean from drugs and a clean mind, and makes them into godly disciples of Jesus Christ. That is why our last class in the program before the transition phase is Discipleship. We are not here just to clean a man up on the outside but all the way down to the core of his being. Isn't that what Jesus wants to do with all of us. Not just with those struggling with drugs, but with all His people. Colossians 4:9 says it the best..."The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things and the God of peace will be with you."

After a day of class and a full day of work the men then have the evening to fellowship, play basketball, maybe some fuse-ball, have prayer groups, Bible studies and most of the time homework from their class. Their day is full of reminders that they are in a program. A place where they still need help and healing. It is not easy to be is not easy to ask for help. Please be in prayer for these men. Ask the LORD to heal them, mold them & show them that each of them are uniquely made with a purpose. Pray that when each of the men leave they have turned their focus from themselves to God and to others.

Pray for these men to become disciple makers.

Thank you,

Tara & Joel

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